Couples massage in seattle


Thai Massage Workshops for Beginners

Come learn some basic Thai massage techniques and concepts that you can use at home. These classes give you and a partner an opportunity to practice giving caring touch in way that is sustainable for your body. No prior massage experience required.

Thai massage is a very dynamic type of bodywork that utilizes your hands, elbows, feet and knees. I find it to be a very sustainable way to give massage since you can use your whole body in such an efficient way.

Thai massage is done on a mat wearing comfortable clothing that is easy to move around in. It incorporates assisted stretching, compression, and acupressure points to reduce tension in the body.

My goal for these classes is to create an easy going and low pressure environment where you can learn and practice giving massage and also get to receive some bodywork yourself!

Upcoming Classes


Partnered Thai Massage Class for Beginners

Upper Body Class - Saturday 4/6/24

Lower Body Class - Saturday 5/4/24

Both classes will be at:
Time: 2pm to 5pm
Location: The North West Jiu Jitsu Academy (In Greenwood)
942 N 95th St, Seattle, WA 98103
Cost: $160 per duo per class or sign up for both classes at a discounted price of $280 total

Sign up with a friend, family member or partner!

To sign up: Class size will be limited so please,

email me at - to confirm there is still space. Once I have confirmed you can venmo me your payment to reserve a spot for you and your partner.